Stundon, Eleanor Frances Linnell

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Stundon, Eleanor Frances Linnell

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área de descrição

Datas de existência


Eleanor Frances Linnell (married name Stundon) was originally from Summerberry, Saskatchewan. She entered the Regina General Hospital School of Nursing in 1940, graduating in 1943. Linnell worked at the Regina General Hospital for a period of time immediately after graduation. By 1950, she was living in Ottawa, Ontario, but returned to Regina during the decade. From 1959 to 1964, she served as Operating Room Instructor for the Regina General Hospital School of Nursing. On 1 June 1964, Linnell assumed the position of Associate Director of Nursing Education, and then in 1966, the position of Director of Nursing Education. In 1967, she was granted a one-year leave of absence from her position in order to complete her degree in education at the University of Saskatchewan, Regina Campus. She returned to the hospital in 1968 as the Director of the School of Nursing, remaining until the school closed in 1972. After her departure from the School, Linnell moved to Grenfell, Saskatchewan, and married Mr. [?] Stundon.


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