McKay, Joseph Fortescue 1890-1977

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McKay, Joseph Fortescue 1890-1977

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Joseph McKay was born in Prince Albert on March 30, 1890. He graduated from the University of Maitoba in 1913. He articled with the Prince Albert law firm of McKay, Adam, Beatty & Fear. McKay served overseas during the First World War from February 1915 to June 1919. He received the Military Cross and other honours. Soon after his return to Canada he was admitted to the Bar.

In June 1940 he was named General Staff Officer of the Saskatchewan Veterans Civil Security Corps and Director of Civil Defence for Saskatchewan . Following the Second World War, McKay was appointed Director of Veterans Rehabilitation. He was named Saskatchewnan's Official Guardian on April 1, 1950. He occupied this position until his retirement in 1963. He was a long-time supporter of the C.C.F. and N.D.P. He was a prominent member of the Regina Poetry Society, and a life member of the United Services Institute. McKay died in Regina on June 5, 1977.


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