Hone, John Ramsey McGregor, 1920-2007 (artist, teacher)

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Hone, John Ramsey McGregor, 1920-2007 (artist, teacher)

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Datas de existência


John Ramsey McGregor ("Mac") Hone was born in 1920 in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan. He was a participant in the early Emma Lake Art Schools, and studied with Gus Kenderdine, Ernest Lindner, Jack Shadboldt, and Will Barnet. He received a BA (1941) from the University of Saskatchewan, and from 1958-1959 studied at the Central School of Arts and Crafts in London, England. He taught school in Saskatchewan and British Columbia from 1947-1979; during the 1950s he also taught art class in Moose Jaw for the University of Saskatchewan (Regina Campus). From 1976-1981 he served on the Minister's Committee on the Fine Arts in Education. His artworks included serigraph, woodcut, wood engraving, watercolour, oil, acrylic, photography, and sculpture. Mac died in 2007. Both Mac and Beth Hone have had their work shown extensively in solo and group exhibitions.


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