Fondo MJ-147 - Botting Family fonds

Open original Digital object

Área de título y declaración de responsabilidad

Título apropiado

Botting Family fonds

Tipo general de material

  • Textual record
  • Graphic material

Título paralelo

Otra información de título

Título declaración de responsabilidad

Título notas

  • Source of title proper: This fonds is called the Botting Family fonds because the records pertained to not only Gordon Botting, but his extended family.

Nivel de descripción


Código de referencia


Área de edición

Declaración de edición

Declaración de responsabilidad de edición

Área de detalles específicos de la clase de material

Mención de la escala (cartográfica)

Mención de proyección (cartográfica)

Mención de coordenadas (cartográfica)

Mención de la escala (arquitectónica)

Jurisdicción de emisión y denominación (filatélico)

Área de fechas de creación


Área de descripción física

Descripción física

5.00 cm of textual records.
176 b&w photographs, postcards.

Área de series editoriales

Título apropiado de las series del editor

Títulos paralelos de serie editorial

Otra información de título de las series editoriales

Declaración de responsabilidad relativa a las series editoriales

Numeración dentro de la serie editorial

Nota en las series editoriales

Área de descripción del archivo

Nombre del productor


Historia biográfica

G. Gordon Botting was born December 25, 1910 in Wallaceburg, Ontario. In 1911, his family moved west when his father bought a farm in the Marquis district. In 1921, the family moved to Moose Jaw. In Moose Jaw, Gordon Botting attended King George Public School and Central Collegiate. In 1930, he graduated from the University of Saskatchewan.

Botting began work for the City of Moose Jaw in 1930 as a cost accountant and office manager of the engineering department. He was in this position until 1945 when he accepted the position of internal auditor with war time housing for the federal government. He took over his father’s farm and became a partner in a consulting firm. In 1957, he resumed his work for the City of Moose Jaw and became a city clerk. In 1961, Botting was made a Fellow of Chartered Institute of Secretaries and Administrators of London, England and in 1967 he was given a centennial medal for public service. In 1971, he was chosen as city commissioner. He retired December 31, 1975. Botting was an active member of the Masonic lodge, the Elks, the Rotary Club and the St. Andrew’s United Church. He died June 20, 1976. Botting had a wife, Murleen, and a son, Gerald.

Historial de custodia

Alcance y contenido

This fonds contains the Botting (Barnes) family bible, prayer book, and three photo albums. The bible includes genealogical information about the Botting (Barnes) family, including birth and death dates of family members. Few individuals in the photo albums are identified.

Área de notas

Condiciones físicas

Origen del ingreso

This material was donated to the archive by Murleen Botting, Gordon Botting’s wife, in 1977.


Idioma del material

  • inglés

Escritura del material

Ubicación de los originales

Disponibilidad de otros formatos

Restricciones de acceso

Condiciones de uso, reproducción, y publicación

Instrumentos de descripción

Finding aid and file list available. See attached finding aid.

Uploaded finding aid

Materiales asociados

Materiales relacionados


No further accruals expected.


This fonds was re-boxed and refoldered in 2013. The fonds was rewrapped in mylar, and interleaving sheets were added to photo albums in 2017.

Location note

Boxes H-103 - H-105

Identificador/es alternativo(os)

Área de número estándar

Número estándar

Puntos de acceso

Puntos de acceso por materia

Puntos de acceso por lugar

Puntos de acceso por autoridad

Tipo de puntos de acceso

Área de control

Digital object (Ejemplar original), área de permisos

Digital object (Referencia), área de permisos

Digital object (Miniatura), área de permisos

Área de Ingreso

Materias relacionadas

Personas y organizaciones relacionadas

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